
Privacy Policy for Users

1. Scope of Privacy Policy

本隱私權政策適用於本網站所有服務。 我們尊重並保護所有使用本網站服務使用者的個人隱私權。 當您使用我們的電子郵件服務時,我們將依照本隱私權政策收集、使用及分享您的個人資訊。
This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by our website. We respect and protect the personal privacy of all users of our website services. When you use our email services, we will collect, use, and collect, cys in formy Policy.

2. Information Collection

我們可能會收集您在註冊、登入時提供的信息,包括但不限於您的姓名、電子郵件地址等。 同時,為了改善服務,我們可能會收集您使用服務的相關數據。
We may collect information you provide during registration and login, including but not limited to your name, email address, etc. Additionally, to improve our services, we may collect data related to serviceyour use of the serviceyour use .

3. Use of Information

我們會嚴格保密您的個人資訊,除非得到您的明確許可或依照法律規定,我們不會向第三方透露您的個人資訊。 我們可能會使用您的資訊來提供、維護、保護和改進服務,包括進行資料分析和研究等。
We will keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless we have your explicit consent or are required by law, we will not disclose analysis and research.

4. Sharing and Disclosure of Information

我們不會與其他組織或個人分享您的個人訊息,除非符合以下情形:(1)事先獲得您的同意;(2)遵守法律法規;(3)在法律允許的範圍內保護本網站及其用戶 的權益。
We will not share your personal information with other organizations or individuals, except in the following circumstances: (1) with your prior consent; (2) to comply with laws and regulations; (3) to protect the rights and intercomply with laws and regulations; (3) to protect the rights and interwords its users within the scope permitted by law.

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

本網站保留隨時修改本隱私權政策的權利。 任何變更將在本頁面更新並生效。
Our website reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be updated on this page and take effect immediately.